The global pandemic that has swept through our globe and completely altered life as we knew it, has undoubtedly affected each and every one of us in one way or another. KAPI is no exception to this, but our resilience and determination to provide you with vital protection against other deadly diseases, such as malaria, has meant that we have had to adapt and overcome this adversity. We have had to work with and find ways around the virus in order to keep our workers safe and carry on doing what we do best.

How we have dealt with it…


Stringent safety measures were introduced back in March, just as the first cases were beginning to emerge in Kenya. KAPI can pride itself on its preparedness and it was our quick adaptation that has allowed us to stay open even through the toughest of times. These safety measures are as follows:

  • All staff members must have their temperature taken before entering the gates.
  • All staff members must wear BOTH a face mask and a face visor at all times on the premises.
  • The factory is broken down into zones and there is no movement of personnel between these zones.
  • There are sanitiser stations positioned all around the factory and no staff member can walk past them without sanitising their hands.

Keeping our workers safe has always been our number one priority and with many of them openly expressing that they feel safer inside our premises than anywhere else, including their own homes, we know we are doing something right!


KAPI to the rescue!


“It is your reaction to adversity, not adversity itself that determines the outcome”- Dieter F. Uchtdorf


It is often tough times like these that not only test the ingenuity and flexibility of companies, but also their values and beliefs.

With the infrastructure already in place, KAPI have released, arguably the most effective sanitizers and antibacterial hand soap on the Kenyan market. We use only the best natural anti-bacterial essential oils for our hand soap. Available in two scents, lavender and tea tree, and bergamot and geranium, meaning that you not only keep your family safe, but also smell good when doing so!

Available as a spray for disinfecting surfaces or as a gel for personal use we have formulated our sanitizer in conjunction with the strict WHO guidelines. Alongside it’s 70% alcohol content it is coupled with Tea Tree oil in order to add an anti-bacterial element as well. Rest assured, we have your back!

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